Michael Bane |
Author and Outdoor
Channel producer Michael Bane is credited with identifying the new Gun Culture
2.0. In his view, the old Gun Culture
was mostly rural, largely male and pretty dang much inseparable from meat hunting.
It was also largely fragmented; deer hunters didn’t associate with duck hunters,
nor varminters, and certainly not handgunners, but they all agreed that those sport
shooters were completely nuts. With the demographic shift to the cities, the
Gun Culture found itself shrinking, divided, weak and easy prey for politicians
looking for scapegoats. Too often, segments of guns (handgunners, large
capacity mags, etc.) were thrown to the wolves with the age-old plea of “eat me
Gun Culture 2.0 Develops: Fortunately, for all of our rights, a
new firearms culture has emerged. Gun Culture 2.0 grew from the basic
attraction of shooting; ranging from fun to deadly serious; from Trap to Self
Defense. The new gunners are more open
to all types of firearm experiences. They’re shooting Skeet, then deciding to
try IPSC, cowboying up, training for concealed carry, run and gunning and just
plain having fun plinking.
Jessie Duff (R) |
Diverse: The National Shooting Sport Federation
(NSSF) reports that gunners are now much
younger, more urban, as well as much more diverse with a broad range of race,
education, occupations, and earnings.
And they are increasingly female. Women (including my wife) are now 22%
of the CCW holders in several states surveyed by USA TODAY. Gun owners now largely resemble –
hell, are – America.
Why? Because Race Gun! |
Economic Impact: GC 2.0 shoots more; buys more guns,
and lordy, at least tries to buy much more ammunition. (On a cowboy weekend,
I’ll shoot more ammo than a real cowboy would have shot in three
lifetimes.) We also purchase all sorts
of gun chotskies (shotskies?) Gunnies now swing a heavy checkbook. In 2013, the
NSSF reported that the firearm and ammunition
industry’s economic impact was nearly $38 Billion in the United States alone. Most
every locale would like a share of that pie. Gun friendly states are welcoming
firearm firms when politics (and out-of-state money) make their current
locations untenable. Those politicians are now facing the ire of their citizens
as good paying manufacturing jobs flee over their border.
Unified: Forged under the hammer of our sworn
enemies, today’s gun culture is an effective, aggressive, unified defender of
our firearm rights. Where the old fragmented gun culture gave in and
compromised (read: threw a right under the bus) when attacked, Gun Culture
2.0 recognized that an attack on one – was, in fact, an attack on all -- and
just one more step toward the goal of universal civilian disarmament. Unity
prevailed in the firestorm following the Sandy Hook tragedy. In the face of an overwhelming
political and media assault, GC 2.0 stood firm and denied national anti-gunners
their legislation. I for one, reveled in the sweet, sweet, crocodile tears of
Harry Reid as his anti-rights coalition collapse around his ears. It may have been Sebastian, of the blog Shall Not Be Questioned, who correctly predicted “This is not
our Waterloo, it’s Their’s.”
Kendall Jones |
Hunting Under Assault: Lately, our brother
and sister hunters have fallen increasingly under the gun of the elites; with trophy hunters receiving special ire. Animal
“rights” activists disrupt hunts, even using drones. Social media is infected with
urban hipsters whose only exposure to hunting is a picture of a deer with a Bud
cap, lights in the antlers and a cigarette in its mouth. Young women have been
vilified for their hunting passion. The attacks have gone as far as death
threats and a politician who asked for nude pics of the woman hunter in order
to destroy her. Emboldened by the elite’s disdain for hunting, the Fish and
Game, EPA, and BLM bureaucrats use the vice of regulations, politicians have
eagerly raided the taxes and fee meant for wildlife preservation. And the politicians are all to eager to
restrict hunters anywhere they can.
Opening the Umbrella: In his Down Range Radio Podcast #376, Michael Bane calls for expanding
Gun Culture 2.0 to include Hunting. Unity is the key, as examined by our co-blooger
Archer in a post: On "Othering" Allies.
“An attack on any hunter is an attack on all hunters is an attack on all
gun owners. Simple truth. Respond accordingly.”
Michael Bane
But it does
mean, as gunnies, we have to put away our petty sneers. There can be no more Fudds,
Cletti, Neckbeards or Rednecks. We are all Brothers and Sisters of the Gun. We are all gun owners, shooters, and hunters.
Our Freedom
depends on it.
Well said... if anything it is Gun Culture 2.0 that will save Hunting as they will be the bridge between those urbanites that do not hunt and Hunters 1.0 that still have not figured out that their Hunting Rifle of today can be re-denominated "Terrorist Sniper Rifle" tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteYou make excellent points, Miggy. I hope the hunters will appreciate the olive branch and our help.
DeleteAs well as helping us 2.0s get their first deer. ;)
Excellent, and beautifully written!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the "GC/Hunting 1.0" crowd, GC 2.0 will eventually need to incorporate bow- and crossbow-hunters and air-gun shooters. Whether they realize it or not, they're on the block, too; modern bow and air-gun designs are every bit as powerful as a firearm (some compressed-air guns will launch a projectile at super-sonic velocities) with the added bonus of having little-to-no report. That's pretty awesome, but the gun-grabber types will find that pretty dang scary.
Good points, Archer. Don't forget knives. For whatever reason, the elites get all squishy when they think about simple pocket knives. Carried one for ages, use it almost ever day. Plenty of boxes, envelopes and dog food bags were harmed.
DeleteAnd thanks for the good words on the article. For whatever reason, this one was miserable. The more I worked on it, the worse it got. Finally published it out of desperation.
Kinda felt like my dog passing the pine-cone he ate. ;^)'
Right. Knives are a big deal, too, and the biggest issue is vaguely-worded laws. In Oregon, for example, it's illegal to carry concealed on one's person "any knife having a blade that projects or swings into position by force of a spring or by centrifugal force," among other items.
DeleteMy question is, what does "a blade that ... swings into position ... by centrifugal force" mean, exactly?
My EDC knife, if I keep the moving parts lubricated and flick my wrist *just* right, will fling open and lock back. I believe that's an application of the scientific definition of centrifugal force, but the knife is not designed to primarily be opened that way. Is the design a defense, or does that make it an illegal knife despite its design? The law doesn't say.
(Some states have been trying to ban "gravity-opening" or "gravity-assisted" knives, too. Can anyone explain what the heck that means?)
Knife Rights has been doing yeoman's work in raising awareness of attacks on ... well... knife rights, and IIRC, they've partnered with the Second Amendment Foundation, because an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.
(FYI, I kinda puckered at the visualization of the dog passing a pine cone. Ouch! ;) )
DeleteMy EDC is an Kershaw Ken Onion Leek. Legal in Cali, even with a serrated blade and "assisted" opening blade. No idea if it would be legal in Oregon, but I wouldn't want to be the test case.
ReplyDeleteIt was almost funny seeing my GSD duck-walking all around the backyard in obvious discomfort. Looking at his droppings I could see why: he really needs to chew his pine-cones better. Fortunately, "this too shall pass" and he's never looked at another pine-cone.
Though a hunter mishandling and injuring himself or a family member may not result in liability, injuring another hunter will most likely result in a liability claim. click site