Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ferguson, MO in the News Again

More Ferguson craziness:

Saturday evening, a Ferguson (the racially wracked suburb of St Louis, MO) police officer was shot chasing two robbery suspects.

Police: Ferguson Officer Shot; 2 Suspects Wanted

The police descended on the area searching for the shooter and his accomplice. A small, but very vocal crowd to gathered around the Ferguson Community Center. This being the 21st Century, "Anonymous" used a starlight scope to webcast the confrontation. (Caution: the language is definitely NSFW.) There seemed to be five to ten agitators bent on violence. Fortunately, their angry calls went unheeded.

My wife reported there were many sirens en route to North St Louis County/ Ferguson.     

Shots fired at off-duty officer on I-70; suspects on the loose

Very close to Ferguson, and about the same time as the protests were winding down, an off-duty St Louis policeman was shot at on a North St Louis County freeway. Apparently unprovoked, the attack left the officer slightly wounded from flying glass. Their was no return fire at the carload of three African-Americans. No arrests have been made.

Violent night in St. Louis leaves one dead, nine others wounded

It was apparently business-as-usual on the St Louis eastside: two drive-bys and a fatal shooting/ critical wounding in a bar parking lot. Overall the night tallied nine wounded and one dead. Community organizers seem to have completely ignored these assaults, even though they were probably black on black crimes.

HT: St Louis Dispatch, Fox 2 St Louis

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